We are on a mission to a regenerative and circular food system.


Regenerative entrepreneurs, ventures & ecosystems


Impact takes primacy; profit serves purpose. While growth plays a major role in delivering on a promised impact, it always subsumes itself within and is governed by an impact strategy. We aim to play the long game.


We look at interdependencies at different level and avoid suboptimization. In this sense we aim to be 'radical': ambition being to eradicate root problems and structurally transforming systems.


We are always looking to resolve root causes and redesign in order for systems to heal and spiral upwards. This goes for individual, teams, organization and ecosystem level - basically everywhere we go.


is key in shaping healthy relations, teams and organizations. Taking an open mind and heart to work helps us to understand how to build te right ventures for the right people and their respective worlds.


We are invested in our mission. We have skin in the game and build alongside our partners in determined and persistent fashion.


Always building with, not for. Looking around and seeing potential partners, not just competitors but building towards community that rallys for the commons. Building upon what already exists and with the many innovative organizations working towards the same goal.